Host a Website for a Dollar a Year

John T. Mills
John T. Mills
Host a Website for a Dollar a Year

Pennies a Month and a Dollar a year

Azure has a few offerings which are usage metered. Those offerings can be used to host a website very, very cheaply. In this post, I'll explain how to get a website up and running in Azure.

Create an Azure account

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Azure Portal at
  2. If you have an account, sign in. If you don't have an account, Click "Create one!". The follow the sign up process. example image

Create a Storage account

  1. Using a web browser, navigate to the Azure Portal and sign in, if you aren't currently signed in.
  2. From the Azure portal, select the Search resources, services, and docs text window and type "storage". example image
  3. From the search results find "Storage Accounts" and select it. example image
  4. From "Storage Accounts" select "Add". example image
  5. Fill out the "Create Storage Account" form. example image
    1. Pick your subscription, the defualt is likely correct.
    2. Name a Resource group (folder) that all of your resources will go inside.
    3. Pick a fairly unique name in all lower-case for your storage account.
    4. Pick a regional data center for your resources. (East Us 2 is fairly inexpensive)
    5. Pick standard performance. Premium isn't usable for this workload. (yet)
    6. Pick StorageV2.
    7. Pick LRS to maximize savings or RA-GRS to be highly available.
    8. Select "Review + Create".
  6. Review the summary screen before clicking "Create". Go back and change anything that doesn't look correct. example image
  7. Once submitted with the "Create" button, the deployment will begin, and your browser will be redirected to the deployment overview. Select "Go to resource" when the deployment finishes. example image
  8. From the Storage account menu select "Static website" example image
  9. Configure the static website option for your storage account. example image
    1. Select "Enabled"
    2. Input index.html
    3. Input 404.html
    4. Select "Save"
  10. Make note of the "Primary Endpoint" (and "Secondary Endpoint," if you chose RA-GRS earlier)

Upload content to your website

  1. Obtain the latest azcopy from
  2. Unpack the achive and store the azcopy binary in C:\Hugo\bin\ or a place appropriate to you.

    Optional: Add the Azcopy Folder to the Windows Path Variable

    This configuration change is handy for commonly used commands. With this change in place you can run azcopy rather than C:\Hugo\bin\azcopy.exe.

    1. Click the Search Windows icon.
    2. Type "This PC"
    3. Right click on This PC from the search results and select Properties.
    4. Select Advanced System Properties from the left menu.
    5. Select Environment Variables... from just above the cancel button.
    6. Select the Path User variable from the top panel, and click Edit....
    7. Select New and type your path C:\Hugo\bin in the text area.
    8. Select OK and exit out of the settings windows.
    9. Start a new command prompt with cmd to see the change.
  3. Using the web browser, navigate to your "Storage account" in the Azure portal.
  4. Select "Shared Access Signature." example image
  5. Define your shared access signature request. example image
    1. Allow "Service"
    2. Allow "Container"
    3. Allow "Object"
    4. Change the time to a shorter duration.
    5. Select "Generate SAS and connection string"
  6. Scroll down and copy the Bolb service SAS URL example image
  7. Open a DOS window or an appropriate command prompt for your given OS.
  8. Navigate to your website development directory, in our case C:\Hugo\hobbiest
  9. Verify the hugo project with dir
     Volume in drive C is Windows
     Volume Serial Number is 1B5C-ABCD
     Directory of C:\Hugo\myhobbiest
    11/24/2020  09:22 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/24/2020  09:22 AM    <DIR>          ..
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          archetypes
    11/24/2020  09:24 AM             3,215 config.toml
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          content
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          data
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          layouts
    11/24/2020  09:22 AM    <DIR>          resources
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          static
    11/24/2020  09:10 AM    <DIR>          themes
                   1 File(s)          3,215 bytes
                   9 Dir(s)  21,934,317,568 bytes free
  10. Generate the website using hugo
    Building sites … WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type "invalid" (<nil>) will always return false.
                       | EN
      Pages            |  6
      Paginator pages  |  0
      Non-page files   |  0
      Static files     |  0
      Processed images |  0
      Aliases          |  0
      Sitemaps         |  1
      Cleaned          |  0
    Total in 68 ms
  11. Verify the hugo project with dir. There should now be a .\public directory.
     Volume in drive C is Windows
     Volume Serial Number is 1B5C-ABCD
     Directory of C:\Hugo\myhobbiest
    11/24/2020  09:22 AM    <DIR>          .
    11/25/2020  04:29 PM    <DIR>          ..
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          archetypes
    11/24/2020  09:24 AM             3,215 config.toml
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          content
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          data
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          layouts
    08/30/1754  04:43 PM    <DIR>          public
    11/24/2020  09:22 AM    <DIR>          resources
    11/24/2020  09:01 AM    <DIR>          static
    11/24/2020  09:10 AM    <DIR>          themes
                   1 File(s)          3,215 bytes
                   9 Dir(s)  21,934,317,568 bytes free
  12. Upload the website using azcopy cp .\public\* "$web{{SAS token}}"
    C:\Hugo\hobbiest> azcopy cp .\public\* "$web?sv=2019-12-12&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacupx&se=2020-11-25T22:30:33Z&st=2020-11-25T22:18:33Z&spr=https&sig=%2FqTyJM3Pi%2GHMrk4jAwaQo%2F1ihPgmfKGCjAQJdCrzua8%3D"
    INFO: Scanning...
    INFO: Any empty folders will not be processed, because source and/or destination doesn't have full folder support
    Job 888c9685-e3bd-994f-70e6-38e86525143e has started
    Log file is located at: C:\Users\millsjt\.azcopy\888c9685-e3bd-994f-70e6-38e86525143e.log
    INFO: azcopy: A newer version 10.6.0 is available to download
    0.0 %, 0 Done, 0 Failed, 9 Pending, 0 Skipped, 9 Total,
    Job 888c9685-e3bd-994f-70e6-38e86525143e summary
    Elapsed Time (Minutes): 0.0334
    Number of File Transfers: 9
    Number of Folder Property Transfers: 0
    Total Number of Transfers: 9
    Number of Transfers Completed: 9
    Number of Transfers Failed: 0
    Number of Transfers Skipped: 0
    TotalBytesTransferred: 66180
    Final Job Status: Completed
  13. Referring back to the "Primary Endpoint" in the Static website configuration, there is now a website. example image


Now you have a website, hosted in Azure, but there's still a lot of configuration to do before it's a polished site. I'll cover those tasks in detail in a future post.